Monday, October 22, 2012

Hopelessly looking for old chat logs

Today, I decided to have a lil peep peep at my old msn chat conversation. Greeted me with 0 chat history and I was depressed. Then i remembered I had 56425453 computers and I switched it all on and signed in to my name.
Sadness cloud decided to hover as I realised those computers were all repaired and EVERY history that was in the computer were all ERASED. Great!
So to my dearest friend in Canada, the only source of conversation I had with you are all gone and these messages are what's left of you.




Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Taylor swift's cheese songs

You know those hipster tweets that says if you listen to Taylor, you're automatically gay? Ah yes well i guess i'm gay now am i not?
It's two days away from semester 2 and It has been like what few posts before when i said i'm very afraid of what my semester 1 friends are going to be like. Same thing here so I think I should just chill when It's the first day of school and be like 
And when the class ends I will be like


aaaaaaaaaaaaaand just get my ass home. I mean we'll see how it'll work out maybe I'll get my fat ass some boyfriend or two within the first day, doubt it hahahhahahaahhahah right ok wish me luck and 
"let's get some and live while we're young" to the wise words of 1 Direction

i................. just kidding? Till then!
